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LinkedIn Marketing 2019: How To Craft A Viral Post

🤔 Are you looking to get better results from your LinkedIn Marketing in 2019?

👌 How about crafting a LinkedIn post that gets a ton of views, comments, likes and shares?

👇 In this video and written tutorial, I’ll dissect one of my top-performing LinkedIn posts to show you how I consistently generate lots of views and engagement.

Bonus: 3,000+ Word LinkedIn Marketing Guide (no email sign up required)

🤔 Are you looking to get better results from your LinkedIn Marketing in 2019?

👌 How about crafting a LinkedIn post that gets a ton of views, comments, likes and shares?

👇 In this video and written tutorial, I’ll dissect one of my top-performing LinkedIn posts to show you how I consistently generate lots of views and engagement.

Bonus: 3,000+ Word LinkedIn Marketing Guide (no email sign up required)

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Top-Performing LinkedIn Post Examples

I’ve been implementing the strategy shared in this article for the last few weeks and have consistently generated a significant amount of views and engagement on my posts.

In the video above and this written article I’ll share that strategy with you.

Below are some examples of my recent LinkedIn posts that have used this strategy. Connect with me on LinkedIn to see fresh examples of how this strategy is working.


Tactic #1 Instantly Communicate Value

You only have a few split seconds to grab your audience’s attention with your post on LinkedIn. One of the best ways to grab their attention is to instantly share the value they will gain from consuming your post.

I tend to do this by sharing this in the first sentence of the copy and also it’s the first thing I say on video.


Tactic #2 Space Out Copy

Us LinkedIn users are lazy. We want you to make your post copy easy for us to consume, if it’s not easy to consume, we’ll instantly scroll.

One of the best ways to make your copy easy to consume, is to space it out nicely, using no more than 1 – 2 sentences per paragraph.


Tactic #3 TAG Relevant LinkedIn Users

Tagging people in the copy of your post is a great way to gain those first few likes, comments and shares.


Only tag relevant people in the post, I only ever tag people who I have mentioned in my content. Some people tag others they think may be interested but this tactic can be seen as spammy and annoying.


Tactic #4 Add Captions To Videos

Way more people than you think watch videos on LinkedIn with the sound off. If you see a video on LinkedIn with no captions, it is a big turn off for a lot of viewers who are watching with the sound off.

You can easily get captions made for your videos for $1 per minute using You can then either edit the captions onto your video with video editing software, or use an online App like Kapwing (watch Janet Murray’s tutorial on how to use Rev & Kapwing to add captions here).

BONUS: Free $10 coupon for


Tactic #5  Show, Don’t Just Tell

When communicating something on LinkedIn, it has a much bigger impact when you show and tell. I do this by recording my screen usually, but you could bring in some visual aids, show client projects as examples etc.


Tactic #6  Reply To Comments Promptly With A Question

When someone comments on your LinkedIn post, a percentage of their connections will see your post in their feed. To drive more organic reach, encourage more comments by replying to comments promptly with a question.


Tactic #7 TAG People In The Comments When Replying

I have no data to backup this theory, but I frequently see posts in my feed showing when LinkedIn users have been tagged in the comments of other people’s posts.

I also noticed that unless you tag someone in a reply, they won’t get a notification, so tagging them seems a no-brainer!


Tactic #8 Relevance Is Key

Think about the audience you have on LinkedIn and what will be relevant to them, compared to if you were posting on another platform.

The way I take advantage of this is sharing content about LinkedIn as I know the audience will be interested in it as they are on the platform already.

Over To You

Go ahead and give these tactics a go to up your LinkedIn Marketing game in 2019. I’d love to hear how this strategy goes for you, please do TAG me in your posts so that i can see you’ve applied what you’ve learnt here.